IOT and the future
The internet landscape is burgeoning. It’s not just about computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones anymore. Now a multitude of devices are internet-connected. The list of “smart” devices includes washing machines, robotic vacuum cleaners, door locks, toys, and toasters. The Internet of Things is the umbrella term — and, yes, you can now buy a smart […]
Quantum computer
It has been a bit of a bumpy start, but a new era of computing seems to be here. Researchers at Google claim their quantum computer has solved a problem that would take even the very best conventional machine thousands of years to crack. The milestone, known as quantum supremacy, represents a long-sought stride towards realising […]
Digital trends in Public Administration
Marko Aliaksandr/ Shutterstock Digital trends in public administration: Online survey during the conference “Digitaler Staat” News from Apr. 01, 2020 Which digital trends already influence the work of the administration today, which changes are emerging for the future? Fraunhofer FOKUS and its Competence Center Public IT hope to provide an answer in the recently published […]
The future of web Apps
The gap between native apps and web apps is narrowing. Discover the world of progressive web apps, and how they can help our apps level up. The capabilities available to websites and apps have changed a lot since the early days of static pages. Even in recent times we’ve seen many significant advancements: native animations, […]
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI), or machine intelligence, is the field developing computers and robots capable of parsing data contextually to provide requested information, supply analysis, or trigger events based on findings. Through techniques like machine learning and neural networks, companies globally are investing in teaching machines to ‘think’ more like humans. Business Insider Intelligence has been following […]